CrossFit Roppongi(以下「当社」といいます)は以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、全従業員に個人情報保護の重要性の認識と取組みを徹底させることにより、個人情報の保護を推進いたします。
CrossFit Roppongi (Company) has set out the following policy on protecting private information. We promote the protection of private information through creating a framework for managing such information and ensuring that our workforce is not only fully aware of the importance of protecting private information, but also takes steps to ensure its protection.
We ensures that information it holds is accurate and up-to-date. In order to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, damage, falsification or leakage of private information, we maintain a security system, provide for a system of management, provide proper education to our staff and implement other necessary measures. We have a strict management system in place for handling private information.
We collect personal information in the following ways.
Private information provided by you to we will be used in order for contact you, answer your questions, send emails or post materials.
We will manage information provided to us in an appropriate manner. Your private information will not be disclosed to third parties, except in any of the following circumstances.
We employs the strictest of measures to ensure the accuracy and security of your private information
We will confirm your identity before complying with any request to confirm, edit or delete any of your private information.
We will comply with all Japanese laws, regulations and standards that pertain to the possession of private information. It will also work towards revising and improving this policy as required.
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木3−16−35 イースト六本木ビル 501号
TEL. 03-6438-9813
501 East Roppongi Building,3−16−35 Roppongi ,Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
TEL. 81-3-6438-9813